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Emerging Leaders Committee

Become an editor

In addition to submitting articles and artwork, we invite you to apply as a RISE Editor. This volunteer opportunity allows you to gain exposure and experience while empowering other emerging leaders. There are no minimum requirements for an editor other than CPHA membership, but a background in writing and/or design is preferred.

Feb 15th

  • All applications are due on February 15th, 11:59 PM MST

  • No late applications will be accepted. 


I am honored to have served as a co-editor for the first edition of the ELC RISE magazine because this project has provided an incredible space for co-learning, making connections, and career development. I lacked an outlet where my passion for public health and communication through writing could truly come together. RISE magazine presented a unique opportunity for me to fulfill the need for this kind of outlet and to simultaneously lift up the voices of emerging professionals in the field. Not only was I able to develop my own skills as an editor, but through working closely with several authors, I was also witness to their growth over the course of our collaboration. RISE cemented my commitment to mentorship as I continue in my public health career, and I am proud to be a part of this project.

Sami Wilson, Executive Editor 2022-23

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